Umweltfestival – english

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The GRÜNE LIGA Berlin first organised the UMWELTFESTIVAL, “Europe’s biggest ecological street fair”, way back in 1995. Like the Star Bike Tour, it always takes place around the Brandenburg Gate on World Environment Day and attracts over 80.000 visitors. There are over 230 stalls where environmental and political organisations present their environmentally-friendly ideas and concepts.

Lots of traders offer fair trade products from around the world and organic farmers sell their fresh, healthy, organically-farmed products and invite customers to try out some of their culinary specialities at the biggest organic market in Europe. The programme of events is colourful and includes a multitude of offers such as a bike course, an evironment quiz, concerts, talks and a whole lot more – there’s something for everyone.

The next Umweltfestival takes place  June 3  2018.
Further Information:

Watch our movie about Umweltfestival (german language)

Die Grüne Liga präsentiert DAS UMWELTFESTIVAL from Sinter&Kowski on Vimeo.

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